Importing and Exporting

Importing Existing Images

In order for Pix2Net to import a set of images, the following requirements must be met:

  • The images must be contained in a single directory.
  • The images must overlap (ideally by 10%).
  • The images must have a number in their name that specifies the order they were captured in.
  • The images must all be the same size and in the same format (BMP, TIFF, or JPEG).

You will be asked for the number of columns, the number of rows, the overlap percentage, and the pixels per μm. If you don’t know the pixels per μm, you can put in a dummy number, but keep in mind that the ruler will only be as accurate as the pixels per μm is.

  1. Open the desired project or create a new project.
  2. On the file tab click Import, and select Pix2Net layer from images....
  3. Browse to the directory where the images are stored and click the Open button.
  4. Fill out the fields in the Import Layer dialog and click the Import button.
  5. The images will be copied into the project directory (a progress bar is not shown), and then a set of multiscale images will be generated (a progress bar is shown).

After the multiscale generation completes, the new image layer is visible. However, the image layer will not look good until the tiles are stitched.

See also Import.


GDSII file

Converts a GDSII file into a set of Pix2Net layers, and then adds those layers to the project.

Pix2Net layer from images

Creates a new image layer from a set of sequentially numbered images on the file system, which have been captures by SEM. A dialog window will appear to allow complex configuration of the import process to match the format of your images.

Pix2Net layer from existing project

Copies one or more Pix2Net layers from an existing project to the currently open project.

Edited images

Note: This feature has been temporarily disabled in Pix2Net v0.20

Imports a set of images that have been edited with an external image editor. Only images with filenames matching existing images in the currently open project will be copied, and the warp of the destination images will be respected. This tool can be used in conjunction with an image editing application to improve the quality of layer images in a user-direction fashion.


For a more thorough description of export options, see Export.

GDSII file

Exports the extracted features and cell instances to a GDSII file. You can specify the layer number and datatype number for each layer. If you don’t specify a number for a layer, then a new number will automatically be generated. You can export the cells placements, and you can also specify the layers that the text labels will be exported to. A text file will be exported as well, which describes the mapping from layer names to numbers.

Cell images

Exports a bitmap for each selected cell, for each selected layer.

Cell instances

Exports all of the cell instances to a CSV file.

Cell schematics

Exports the schematics for each cell as a .jpg image file.


Exports the active netlist or children cell netlists to a file in the following formats: Verilog, Spice, VHDL or CSV.